It's been a while since I've done one of these. If you missed the first two, I'm just looking back at how things went through Gretchen's Pregnancy with the kids and what life was like for us when the triplets first arrived. You can see Part 1 by
clicking here, and part 2 by
clicking here.
Looking back on part two, I realized that I forgot some details. J was born first, weighing in at 3lbs. 2oz. and 15 inches long. E was second, weighing 3lbs. 15oz. and measuring 16 and 3/4inches long. K was last, weighing 2lbs. 14oz. and measuring 15 and 3/4 inches long.
The first few days (months) were (still are) a blur. I remember sleeping for a few hours on a chair/bed/torture device thingie that was in Gretch's room the first night. The second night I opted to go home and sleep in my own bed, with Gretchen's permission, of course. We had many visitors in the first few days. My family, Gretchen's family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Great Aunts and Uncles, friends. Lots of visitors.
Gretch was in the hospital for a few days. A lot of firsts were experienced in those few days. Gretch and I both got to hold J for the first time since she didn't need any help breathing. We also got to see J eat for the first time and hear her burp (loud for such a little thing).

After Gretch was released from the hospital we went back and forth from our house to the hospital almost daily, sometimes two or three times a day. Luckily we live close to the hospital. Unfortunately, there was a major construction project going on to widen the main road between our house and the hospital. Some days it took forever to get there and back. But it was all worth it.
We also experienced a lot of firsts during that month in the Special Care Nursery. I got to change a diaper for the first time ever - that was E, and she decided to initiate me by pooping in the middle of the diaper change! We finally got to hold E and K, and feed them, and change them, too. Little milestones that seemed to mean so much at that point. Every little thing they did was a major accomplishment. And each day I felt more and more confident that Gretch and I would be able to care for these three beautiful children we were given.