In September of 2007 I became a father of triplets, two girls and a boy. Some time before they were born, Gretchen and I decided that I would retire from my job at a local big-box store to stay home and raise the kids. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
Currently some of my favorite activities include building Lego towers, assembling eight-piece puzzles, reading ten-page books, coloring, playing with play-doh, and yes, playing with dolls. I am also a playground activities coordinator, wiper of snot, tears, drool, and poop, and a kisser of boo-boos. I love to hear my kids laugh and their smiles melt my heart.
To avoid being completely cut off from the outside world, I kept my weekend gig as a wedding photographer for Tom Forrest Photography. I'm not very good with words, but am great with a camera. I love the thrill of capturing "that moment".
Contact Me: kevin (at symbol) tripsdad (dot symbol) com