Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Holy Baby Poop, Batman!

Yesterday was a rough one. A really rough one.

I guess I should start with some background. G took the kids to see her family over the weekend. She realized at some point that E had not "gone" since they got there, so they decided to give her some grapes. Anyone who has multiples knows that you can't give one something without giving some to the others. So they all got grapes. Too many grapes. And, when they got back to me and I was left alone with them for the day, all hell broke loose, so to speak. At one count I had changed 15 dirty diapers. That was before 1:00 in the afternoon, and mostly from the little guy. The girls really didn't catch up to him until later in the day.

Thankfully we only had to change bedsheets once, and that was only a small mess. The little guy did go through three outfits, though. I think the experience was toughest on him. His little system was so out of whack that he actually threw up at lunch. After that he felt much better, but it didn't stop anything from coming out of the other end.

Here's hoping today is a better day, for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. We've been going through the same thing for over 4 weeks! I hope things get better for y'all soon!
