We got the chance to practice Trick-or-Treating at Mommy's office on Friday, so the kids were ready to go on Sunday night. They even wanted to take candy out of our bowl of candy!! Everyone had a good time and the kids looked adorable in their costumes.
At Mommy's Office

Some of Mommy's coworkers dressed up as all of the Toy Story Characters and decorated their cubicles accordingly. Elisha really liked this one, although you can't tell by the picture because she was being shy. The young lady who dressed up as Jessie was in her cubicle and Elisha is going through her shy stage right now.

The girls making their way down the aisle.

Ready to take on the neighborhood and get some candy!

Enjoying their loot after a hard night's work. The girls didn't want to take their costumes off. Even to go to bed. We convinced them otherwise.

Snuggle time with Mommy.