Friday, February 18, 2011

Isn't It Too Early For This?

Our gas company has been replacing the main gas lines on our street for the past couple of months. Apparently it's a pretty drawn out process that requires them to run the line from one end of the street to the other, and then start over at the beginning and make their way down the street again. I gotta say, it's been great because it's provided several days worth of entertainment for the kids. They love watching the trucks and the diggers move up and down the street all day. KJ especially remains glued to the front window while they're out there. 

I did run into one concern today, tho. When all three were at the window, I asked them if they were watching the trucks and diggers, Juli replied simply "no dada, we not watching the trucks, we watching the men." And she actually emphasized "men". My jaw just about dropped to the floor. Isn't three a little too young to be going after construction workers?