Today is Juli, Elisha and KJ's fifth birthday! Five years old! I can hardly believe it.
To commemorate the day Gretch, my sister Katie and I all spend the day with the kids at pre-school. All three kids got to be the leader. They passed out treats, everyone sang happy birthday to them, and as a special treat, we took the butterflies in to release them near their school.
Juli performing her leader duties, learning how to use the calendar.
Elisha was more interested in posing for the camera than making sure she was on the right day.
KJ decided to point to the year and pose.
A little story time with Aunt Kate
Some coloring time with mama.
A little sibling mischief.
Releasing the butterflies.
They weren't so sure about leaving the comfy confines of their little habitat, but we convinced them.
This one really did not want to go.
Really, Really didn't want to go.
After lunch, we sang happy birthday and the kids got little cupcakes. Thanks Aunt Kate!
Some presents from mom & dad.
Balloons and t-shirts from Aunt Kate & Uncle Steve! Thank You!
I had to tell them to smile for this one. Of course KJ cheesed it up!
Happy Fifth Birthday Juli, Elisha & KJ!