Monday, July 13, 2009

The Road Ahead

It's been a rough couple of weeks, but we got through it and everything seems to be returning to normal. At least as normal as it can get with 21 month old triplets!! We picked the trips up from my parents last Thursday. By noon on Friday I was exhausted! I made it through and Gretch came home and rescued me around five o'clock. I was very greatful. Saturday we stayed indoors due to the rain and had a friend come over with his two kids for a playdate. We all had dinner and went out for some ice cream. E liked it the best (she is mommy's little clone). K and J didn't care for it much. Sunday we just layed low and enjoyed a relaxing day at home.

Today I took the kids out on a walk for the first time since I had the heart attack. I took it nice and slow and stayed close to home. It felt good to get out and stretch my muscles a bit. I'm a little tired, but feeling good overall.

On Friday we will be embarking on an adventure of sorts. We're taking the kids on vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I can't wait to get out on that beach and enjoy some quality time with the family. My brother-in-law will be traveling with us to help out with the kids, and we'll be meeting Gretchen's parents in Myrtle Beach. So we will have help, and hopefully Gretch and I will be able to get out a little for some alone time!

I will try to post from the road, and will likely post a couple times during the week, but I mostly plan on relaxing and enjoying some family time.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is getting back to normal. Enjoy the vacation.
