Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Orange Barrels

The city has decided to patch parts of our street this summer, and the way they're going about it has resulted in lots of heavy equipment going up and down the street throughout the day. This has provided hours of entertainment for the kids, they love watching the trucks and front end loaders and workers in their bright yellow vests. And yes, I'll admit it, it's not just entertaining for the kids. I enjoy it as well, until I have to go somewhere. It's a rather large pain in the butt to get around during the construction season. There are two main roads that head east from our house, and both are under construction. And now our street is under construction as well! I can't go anywhere without seeing orange barrels. And that reminded me of a song that I heard a few years back: Orange Barrels, by Todd Yohn. It's a rather amusing commentary on the state of our infrastructure. Okay, not really, but it's still funny. You can check out a quick sound byte from his site by clicking here. Or download the whole song from iTunes by clicking here. It's worth the ninety nine cents.

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