More pictures from our Myrtle Beach vacation with the triplets:
This is when we learned that no matter how many new toys you buy for your kids, they're always going to want someone else's toys. That green net that KJ is playing with, not ours. The multi-colored balls in the water, ours.

Nets, not ours.

KJ splashing with Grandma.

Caught Grandma playing with the mermaid dolls we bought for the kids.

Gretchen putting KJ to work. If only I could get him to water my garden that well.

Elisha has all of our torpedoes, and possibly some that aren't ours.

Juli playing with the mermaid dolls we bought for them. Eventually they did play with the toys we bought for them, it was just after all of the other kids left and took their toys with them.

KJ all snuggled up after his swim. Ready for lunch.