On our last day of vacation, we spent as much time as we could at the beach. A storm formed to our south and threatened to end our fun, but it never made it up to where we were, so we all just stayed out on the beach. I did capture a picture of a nice lightning bolt hitting the water off in the distance. Nobody wanted the vacation to end. We even took the kids out after dark (and after their bedtime) for a walk on the beach. They loved it. I had a small flashlight that resembled a mini light saber for each of the kids, one red, one green and one blue. The girls held onto theirs the whole time, KJ had his right up until we were ready to return to the condo, then he gave it up.
Elisha had to try out all of the beach chairs.

Snack time, wearing Papa's hat.

KJ's turn to wear Papa's hat, Elisha found another one.

I think these were Coast Guard Helicopters. They were pretty low and fast.

"Did you see the helicopters, Dad?"

Elisha having fun with Grandma and Papa.

Everyone in the water.

Okay, enough fun, pose for a picture.


Our after dark beach walk.

KJ really liked his light.

Really liked it.

Juli liked her's, too.

KJ and Elisha walking together.

Elisha and Aunt Katie running.

Elisha was having a good time!

Grandma and Juli.