This past weekend we celebrated Juli, Elisha, and KJ's third birthday party. It's really hard to believe that the three little babies that came into the world and just around three pounds each have grown into these three little people with three wonderfully different personalities. The past three years haven't been easy, and I'm sure there are many more challenges to come, but I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. Happy Birthday Julianna, Elisha, and Kevin!
If you follow the blog or my twitter feed you know that the girls really haven't been napping well, if at all. We scheduled the party just after the trips' usual nap time. Of course, being the contrary little toddlers that they are, all three of them slept well past the start time of the party. We had to wake them up. This made for some tentative little people who wanted to cling to someone familiar.

Balloons helped to break the ice a little.


Juli liked her balloon quite a bit.

Everyone enjoyed the sandbox.

The swings were a big hit, too.

B posing for the camera.

KJ and Grandma having a good time with their balloon. He has such a contagious giggle.

Gretch and Juli pose for the camera.

KJ and Uncle George playing their own version of "catch".

Buster decided to dig a hole in the yard. I was really impressed.

KJ waiting patiently for his cake.

Juli's face lit up when everyone was singing to her.

Elisha was entranced by the candles.

KJ tried to put out the flame with the Jedi Mind Trick, and a little help from mommy!

Elisha waited patiently for her piece of cake.

Juli somehow ended up with two balloons!

Juli couldn't wait to rip into her presents.

KJ was overcome with joy upon seeing his Spud Trooper

The Toy Story Lego set was a big hit as well.

Elisha helping Mommy open a gift.

Elisha is very excited to get this tissue paper wrapped item!!