Spring is right around the corner. We can all feel it. Any time the weather is just nice enough to take the kids outside, I'm taking them outside. Unfortunately, with more warmer weather, we also get more insects. KJ is fascinated with bugs, and wants to squish them all. I've tried to discourage him from squishing them, especially with his hands. One day he's going to try to squish something that stings. That should be fun.
The girls are much less interested in the bugs, until the bugs invade their personal space. That's when the screeching begins. The other day, as we were all happily playing outside, Elisha started to Freak Out. She was screaming and crying and running towards me trying to tell me what had happened. Once I got her calmed down I was able to understand her a little better and figured out that a bug had flown into her ear. I don't know what it was, but she didn't like it at all. I convinced her that it was just a gentle butterfly that was trying to tell her a secret. I don't think she bought it. Now any time we go outside, she has to have her hood up to cover her ears.