Yesterday Elisha woke up and immediately started telling me that her tooth fell out and was gone. My first instinct was to completely freak out, but when I checked her mouth I found all of her teeth were still there. Whew!
For as long as she's had her right front tooth, it's been slightly discolored at the bottom. We've never made that big of a deal about it since it didn't seem to bother her and it didn't seem to be getting any bigger. Her dentist didn't even seem too concerned by it. She asked us if it bothered Elisha, and we said no. She asked us if it bothered us, and we said as long as it doesn't bother her, it doesn't bother us. She was cool with that.
Well, it's bothering her now. When I inspected it I noticed that it had gotten bigger and even looked like there was a chip missing. On closer inspection, I noticed that there was also a new spot on her other front tooth. Much smaller, but definitely the same as the other one. She mentioned that it hurt a little, so, of course, I ran my fingernail over it, she immediately jumped back and brought her hands to her mouth. I'd say it's bothering her. It's weird, tho, since eating and drinking don't seem to bother her at all. She downed an entire glass of cold milk just minutes after I ran my fingernail over the spot.
So, we're taking her into the dentist on Friday. Hopefully she'll be able to do something to keep the tooth from bothering Elisha. At least it's a baby tooth and will fall out on it's own eventually!