Monday, June 7, 2010

What Are The Triplets Doing Now?

What are the triplets doing now? This is a question I should be answering here more often. Funny, I want this blog to be sort of a chronicle of their lives, yet I hardly ever write about what they're doing at any given stage. I want to change that. Starting now.


Juli is very much into her dolls and tools right now. At any given point in the day you can find her with a couple of dolls and either a toy screwdriver or hammer or saw. She is also doing very well with her manners. She regularly says "please" and "thank you" at the appropriate times. It's very cute, and I like to think quite advanced for her age. She loves to give hugs and kisses right now, to everything. Even the wall sticker of Little Bird we have at the top of the stairs. Of course she also wants us to give everything kisses, too.

Juli is also quite the water baby. Last week when we had them in the pool Juli stayed in the water the longest, all by herself. She had a great time, and no one was bothering her or trying to take toys away from her, she had the pool all to herself and she loved it. She was a little prune when she came out.

Juli loves carrots right now. She'll eat a whole can by herself if I let her, which I don't. She also loves to dance and jump a lot. This proves to be a problem some times because she inherited her mother's balance and coordination (none). So she has quite a few bumps and  bruises. She is not napping so well right now. She's tired, she just doesn't want to sleep during the day. Especially on rainy days when we can't get outside to play. I still put her in the crib, but she just plays around and talks to herself and Elisha or KJ if they're awake.

That's what Juli is doing now.

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